CCOC's Economic Development Committee Rolls Out Vision and Action Plan with Town of Clayton6/27/2018
The Clayton Chamber of Commerce (CCOC) Economic Development Committee's vision and action plan rollout with the Town of Clayton at our quarterly Eggs & Issues event was packed with people and important information and initiatives.
Working collaboratively with the Town of Clayton on its place branding expansion efforts (including a call for district sub-branding) and supporting the Johnston Community College goal of establishing a Clayton Campus (to foster a pipeline of talent across all sectors for the emerging workforce needs in the area) were just a few highlights from the action plan shared during the event. Town of Clayton Economic and Community Development Director Dave DeYoung also provided the following eye-opening stats during the event:
Learn more and read CCOC's Economic Development Committee's entire vision and action plan inside our Impact Agenda here. The CCOC Economic Development Committee includes: Jim Perricone; Ruth Anderson; Dana Wooten, Bobby Bunn; Dave DeYoung; Kaitlin Russo; Kyle McDermott; Tara Abernathy; Edwin Jackson; Greg Kennedy; Charlie Bell; and Beth Watson. Note: This collaborative presentation included some very exciting goals and action items that made everyone “Think Clayton.” And that included the local news. Here is a news clip that aired the same evening (we spy a few CCOC investors and our board chair) > Comments are closed.
August 2022