CCOC's Economic Development Committee Rolls Out Vision and Action Plan with Town of Clayton6/27/2018
The Clayton Chamber of Commerce (CCOC) Economic Development Committee's vision and action plan rollout with the Town of Clayton at our quarterly Eggs & Issues event was packed with people and important information and initiatives.
Working collaboratively with the Town of Clayton on its place branding expansion efforts (including a call for district sub-branding) and supporting the Johnston Community College goal of establishing a Clayton Campus (to foster a pipeline of talent across all sectors for the emerging workforce needs in the area) were just a few highlights from the action plan shared during the event. Town of Clayton Economic and Community Development Director Dave DeYoung also provided the following eye-opening stats during the event:
Learn more and read CCOC's Economic Development Committee's entire vision and action plan inside our Impact Agenda here. The CCOC Economic Development Committee includes: Jim Perricone; Ruth Anderson; Dana Wooten, Bobby Bunn; Dave DeYoung; Kaitlin Russo; Kyle McDermott; Tara Abernathy; Edwin Jackson; Greg Kennedy; Charlie Bell; and Beth Watson. Note: This collaborative presentation included some very exciting goals and action items that made everyone “Think Clayton.” And that included the local news. Here is a news clip that aired the same evening (we spy a few CCOC investors and our board chair) > CCOC attended the Triangle Commercial Association of Realtors (TCAR) Lunch & Learn on Friday, June 22, 2018 to learn about and tour the new Raleigh Union Station. The beautiful station incorporates retail and office space, as well as thoughtfully-designated spaces for both the tourist and business traveler.
The potential to connect Clayton to Raleigh is extremely important to CCOC and something we address inside our Impact Agenda. The Clayton Chamber of Commerce champions business, economic development, and education in Clayton, NC. We accomplish this mission by COLLABORATING with various organizations through forums, task forces, committees, and even one-on-one conversations; ADVOCATING within the community, various organizations, and governments; and providing INNOVATIVE solutions, community pride, business marketing opportunities, networking, and professional development training through various signature events and other initiatives.
Join us at one of our Chamber U: Orientation seminars to learn more about our valuable work in the community. You can invest in the NEW Clayton Chamber of Commerce at (click on Invest/Apply). |
August 2022