Visionary Investor | $10,000+ per year
*Includes all of the services and benefits of Connector, Pillar, Blueprint, and Cornerstone levels
Connector Investor | $5,000 per year
*Includes all of the services and benefits of Pillar, Blueprint, and Cornerstone levels
Pillar Investor | $2,500 per year
*Includes all of the services and benefits of Blueprint and Cornerstone levels
Blueprint Investor | $750 per year
*Includes all of the services and benefits of Cornerstone level
Cornerstone Investor | $300 per year
*Includes all of the services and benefits of Connector, Pillar, Blueprint, and Cornerstone levels
- Full-page ad in CCOC Annual Report
- Exclusive signage at CCOC events
- Recognition as CCOC Visionary Investor in JNOW and Triangle Business Journal ad
- Opportunity to participate in Mission in Motion Podcast w/ CCOC President CEO
- Invitation to participate in strategic conversations that will forge the future of CCOC initiative
Connector Investor | $5,000 per year
*Includes all of the services and benefits of Pillar, Blueprint, and Cornerstone levels
- Half-page ad in CCOC Annual Report
- Enhanced web presence in CCOC Directory with color logo and location photos
- Company logo on Investor Benefits collateral
- Premium booth at Harvest Festival
- Invitation to Annual VIP Event Invitation to stakeholders meetings and panel discussions
Pillar Investor | $2,500 per year
*Includes all of the services and benefits of Blueprint and Cornerstone levels
- Featured listing in CCOC directory
- CCOC Investor directory listing (up to 4 categories)
- Free certificate of origin Company name with link in signature of all CCOC staff emails ¼ page ad in CCOC annual report
- Business listing in Investor benefits collateral Invitation to sit on initiative-based committee
- Invitation to attend State Capital visit
Blueprint Investor | $750 per year
*Includes all of the services and benefits of Cornerstone level
- Ribbon Cutting with Social Media post and photograph
- Recognition as a Mission Level Investor across multiple social media platforms with audience size of 40,000 across all platforms
- Milestone Acknowledgment Plaque and recognition with social media post (new location and CCOC anniversaries beginning with 5 years)
- CCOC Investor directory listing (2 categories)
Cornerstone Investor | $300 per year
- CCOC Investor directory listing (1 category)
- Recognition in monthly newsletter CCOC Investor decal
- Opportunity to post events on CCOC website calendar and in Chamber Communicator
- Advertising opportunities in our historical lobby
- Ribbon cutting with Social Media post and photograph
- Access to CCOC website analytics referral report Business analytic overview report (1/year)
- Subscription to monthly newsletter
- Opportunity to maximize member benefits through Chamber U
- Free admission to monthly networking events
- Ambassador mentor pairing
- Opportunity to participate in committees, taskforce & Ambassadors program
- Opportunity to sponsor CCOC events & initiatives or programs of work through our annual Total Resource Campaign Chamber referral services Opportunity for annual Investor input Preferred Investor-only pricing
- Free usage of CCOC boardroom
- Free Job Board Access to Investor advantage programs
- Discounted booth opportunity at Harvest Festival